PHP Seeded, Deterministic, Cryptographically Secure PRNG

Dec 21, 2004 OpenCA / Re: [Openca-Users] generator:SSLEAY RAND BYTES Re: [Openca-Users] generator:SSLEAY RAND BYTES:PRNG not seeded:md rand.c:503 From: Lutz Jaenicke - 2002-03-29 14:34:45 On Fri, Mar 29, 2002 at 02:51:20PM +0100, Michael Bell wrote: > Slim CHTOUROU schrieb: > > > > HI everybody > > I get this message when I tried to make the second step of initialization > > (generate new Prevent handshake with unseeded PRNG · openssl/openssl Fix security issue where under certain conditions a client can complete a handshake with an unseeded PRNG. The conditions are: - Client is on a platform where the PRNG has not been seeded, and the user has not seeded manually - A protocol specific client method version has been used (i.e. not SSL_client_methodv23) - A ciphersuite is used that does not require additional random data from the security - PHP Seeded, Deterministic, Cryptographically Jul 12, 2020

A random seed (or seed state, or just seed) is a number (or vector) used to initialize a pseudorandom number generator.. For a seed to be used in a pseudorandom number generator, it does not need to be random. Because of the nature of number generating algorithms, so long as the original seed is ignored, the rest of the values that the algorithm generates will follow probability distribution

SSH and file prng_seed - Unix

PRNG is not seeded EXIT CODE: 255 . serverx root # ls -l /dev/urandom crw-r--r-- 1 root root 114 0x000001 May 6 2009 /dev/urandom. serverx root # ps -ef | grep -i ssh root 18726 9759 1 15:06:21 pts/tb 0:00 grep -i ssh serverx root # serverx root # uname -a HP-UX serverx B.11.23 U …

On a linux based VPS, a client rebooted their system and could not get the SSH of their VPS. As this is a VPS, we entered to their VPS from the hardware node and tried to restart SSH but got the below errors: Bind-Users forum - PRNG not seeded, service won't start Sep 20, 2018 SSH: PRNG is not seeded - General UNIX discussion - Tek-Tips Dec 21, 2004 OpenCA / Re: [Openca-Users] generator:SSLEAY RAND BYTES Re: [Openca-Users] generator:SSLEAY RAND BYTES:PRNG not seeded:md rand.c:503 From: Lutz Jaenicke - 2002-03-29 14:34:45 On Fri, Mar 29, 2002 at 02:51:20PM +0100, Michael Bell wrote: > Slim CHTOUROU schrieb: > > > > HI everybody > > I get this message when I tried to make the second step of initialization > > (generate new